Store News


***11/07/24 ORDER UPDATES***

Sorry for the lack of updates here since May 2024 but it’s been a rather busy year in the shop.  I will not be running any fly promotions for the holiday season this year as I already have work that will lead me into the new year.  My suggestion for those of you who are looking for a gift to give for your favorite angler is invest in a gift certificate from the store.  That gives your favorite angler the ability to picke out some favorite flies in my library that I can tie for them that they will be able to use in 2025.  With the addition of a couple new wholesale accounts, a side venture with a custom lure company increasing my need by about 400% from 2023, and some writing assignments, now a few tying classes and demos for the winter months, things are moving at a good clip.  You can always reach out via email or a phone call, but I will warn you once I get started for my day I typically will not answer the messages/calls till later that day or early the day following.  And I again will not be attending any flyfishing shows in the circuit, but will however be at a handful of other locations;  Schultz Outfitters “Bobbin The Hood” in February 2025 being one of them.  A website overhaul is on the horizon with a revamped presentation and events page in the works.  

Currently looking at roughly 6-8 weeks at the moment.  We all know that this can change at a moments notice so like I always say, plan ahead.  Many new things coming in the months ahead, thank you for your support and have a great day.


Custom Fly Sales Disclaimer

As thankful that I am for each and every one of my fly customers over the last decade, I would be remiss in not laying the ground work for the future of my business as I transition to a life solely around flyfishing.  For the sake of being fair and honest, here is how things moving forward will work for those of you interested in purchasing my hand tied creations.

Everything is tied or built in house.  I complete purchases in the order that they arrive.  I do not build stock, this venture is all that I do now, but the sheer number of flies and accounts that I tie for doesn’t allow me to build stock.  I will however from time to time piece together selections for monthly specials when time permits, but that is not a monthly guarantee.  I am probably one of the most willing and able fly tiers who can cater to the travelling angler as I not only have a very vast array of experiences but have the relationships with those professionals in the field who help me provide you with solid flies on the proper hooks to assure your trip is a memorable one.  I will on occassion be able to slip orders in on short notice, but do not expect that to always be the case.  

That being said, please take these words to heart, I do my best to accommodate you all, but you all have to remember I am a one man show, and I like to fish too.  Thank you for your continued support.

My name is Rich Strolis and I have been tying commercially now for almost twenty years.  I specialize in custom flies for the serious angler and have been featured in a variety of books and magazines over the last two decades.  In the pages that follow are the bulk of my own personal flies that I offer in large production capacity.  If your shop is looking for something a bit different with time tested fish appeal, then browse the pages that follow.  When I say custom, these are all tied in house by my own two hands.  I am always open and willing to work with you in building something that will suit your local fisheries. 

Aside from the flies within, I tie many household patterns that are readily available; if you are looking for a higher quality version of what other outfits offer with a greater level of durability, you’ve found “your guy”.  I began tying commercially out of necessity while guiding, as I was always disappointed in the lack of durability that many commercially tied flies possessed, and the limited variations that they’re offered.  Sometimes slightly different is better, and I look forward to working with you and your shop in providing your customers with truly unique and reliable flies.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any of the listed means below.  Have a great day and season on the water.

-Rich Strolis


I do not build stock, I tie everything as it comes in, in the order that it is received. The best advice I can give the customer is plan ahead, DO NOT contact me today with the expectation that you will get sent flies you need tomorrow. I will rarely if ever be able to fill an order under those time restrictions. The more lead time the better, as turnaround during the season can be several weeks. Enjoy your time on the water and thank you for checking out my work.


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