The picture says it all, my Regal has literally been on fire now for the better part of four months. Finally, the show season for me comes to a close this coming weekend. For the last four months I have been traveling across various locations on the Eastern seaboard as well as the Midwest tying flies, giving presentations and promoting the launch of my first book. Although it has been exhausting at times, and time away from my family is a struggle, I have managed to survive burning the candle at both ends as I am very good at, working all week, tying at night and away every weekend.
This weekend in Michigan marks the end of the show season for me, and although I didn't make it to every venue and every show out there, I did manage to meet many great people and forge some great new friendships and connections along the way. All is not over however, as I have several smaller club presentations and gatherings throughout the year which I thoroughly look forward to. If my numbers are correct, somewhere around 250 dozen streamers have turned off the jaws of my Regal in the last four months, and now once this weekend is behind me, I will be able to pick up and begin the stack of fly orders I have waiting for my attention as well as the many new ideas that I have on paper that need to be put to iron for the coming years round of field testing.
Once the dust settles, the blog posts will become a bit more frequent and some of the tying videos that need to be completed will be shot and edited. Now that things are behind me a bit, it is time for me to make up for some lost time, many fish are in need of attitude adjustments, and I think I am the person who needs to do the adjusting if you catch my drift. It has been a tiring but great run this winter, and I want to take the time to thank each and every one of you who took the time to stop by and pass on your positive feedback on my first book. From what you all tell me, I didn't disappoint and it makes it all worth while. I will now leave you with a bunch of photographs from the last few months. The next posts should most definitely if all goes as planned, be littered with pictures of some time spent on the water. Here's to a banner 2016 on the water!
Write comment (0 Comments)It has been a rather busy winter over here, sometimes it seems like I can barely keep up with all that is going on since the release of the book and the show season wisking me away to various locations. If you've missed out on seeing me tie at some of the shows, or haven't been able to figure out what my book is about, this Wednesday at 9:00 PM Eastern standard time (7:00 PM Mountain time) I will once again be on Ask About Fly Fishing with the wonderful host, Roger Maves. There will also be a drawing for some cool prizes so why not check it out!
If you recall, I was interviewed a couple years back about streamers and fishing them which you can sign up and listen to HERE. This go around I will be answering a variety of questions revolving around the book and fishing for tough fish in general. It bodes to be a good time and I hope many of you tune in. If you've been on the fence about the book, this interview might shed some light on things and get you interested in what it is all about. As I said, the last 6-8 weeks have been a bit of a blur and once things settle down again in late March, I will be sure to get some new content out there for your tying pleasure.
Write comment (1 Comment)If you are looking for a winter get away, Scott and the boys down at the Compleat Angler are looking to fill their trip, and they have one spot left. Get on it before its gone!
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