I know it's been a few weeks, and I am about 6-8 flies behind from 2015.  I fell back on my laurels and decided I had better put out something for my fellow streamer friends.  I had a couple from last season that were definitive fish catchers, so I figured it would be worth starting off 2016 with one of the easier one's to tie.

If you're familiar with Greg Senyo's recent book Fusion Tying, then you might have seen my addition, the Bushmeat Streamer.  The Bushmeat streamer is an entirely synthetic articulated streamer that can be tied relatively quickly.  There are many options in regards to colors, but I have found that just about any shade of brown or olive works well, but feel free to experiment with colors. 

As you will see in the video, I have used a couple of different materials in the recipe that are a shade different from the one detailed in Greg's book.  Grab a cold one, sit back and watch this one and then warm up your vise for a night of tying.

